
皇冠体育大学社会学专业的学生可以选择一项原创研究项目作为毕业论文, 以及申请其他项目的资助 暑期本科生研究项目. 以下是社会学学生最近完成的暑期项目.


Not All 关于 the Grades: 第一个 Generation and 低收入 College 学生’ Limitations to Enrollment and Graduation at Elite Universities

Lizeth Ortega-Luna ’21; Advisor: Hung Thai

This research consists of a secondary analysis of quantitative research literature that studies the association between socioeconomic status (SES) quartile and graduation rates from top American universities. 第一个, students from the bottom SES quartile are less likely to apply to and enroll in elite postsecondary institutions while students from the top SES quartile have historically attended highly selective postsecondary institutions. Attending a top institution is advantageous as students have greater access to resources and opportunities during and after pursuing an undergraduate degree. 第二个, 来自社会经济地位最低的四分之一的学生获得大学学位的可能性不如来自社会经济地位最高的四分之一的学生. This project uses the following two questions as its focus: What limits 第一代 and low-income students from applying to elite universities? 学生的家庭经济状况和完成大学学位之间是否存在联系?


Jeffery Jen ’20; Advisor: Hung Thai

This eight-week study focuses on the sociological factors that inform the college pathways of graduates from a high school in the San Gabriel Valley region in southern California. The high school itself is a minority-majority school as three-quarters of the students are of Asian descent while the remaining one-quarter is of Hispanic or Latino/a descent.

It is much easier to see in a school with a minority enrollment rate of nearly 100% the different sociological and structural factors that influence the academic performance and college pathways of Asian-American and Latinx students, 而不是依赖于流行的刻板印象和比喻. 根据对这所高中应届毕业生的12次深度访谈, 我深入研究了这些来自不同民族的学生的经历和成长, 种族, 社会经济背景. Their stories challenge long-standing problematic narratives which do not do enough to explain the apparent gap in the academic success levels of Asian-American students from that of other students of color. At the heart of this study is the crucial role played by the family and the amount of access the family has to resources to support the students’ academic and extra-curricular endeavors.


Nicole Arce ’21; Advisor: Hung Thai

This case study of Chileans in Australia explores the nature of community and familiarity that comes with being a minority in a new and unfamiliar country. 根据澳大利亚统计局的数据, 智利人是澳大利亚最大的拉丁裔群体. 受广泛的社会和政治因素的影响, 大多数智利人是通过临时计划移民到澳大利亚的, 然而,他们经常延长签证以获得永久身份. Eleven in-depth one-on-one interviews and several field visits revealed a common desire between participants for familiarity, 哪个产生了同质性, 或者倾向于与与自己相似的人保持亲密关系. 这种倾向阻碍了参与者与拉丁裔社区以外的人建立联系. 尽管每个参与者都表达了有朋友一起社交的舒适感, 有些人觉得与那些有个人心理健康问题的朋友联系更加困难. 这种缺乏联系使参与者陷入了一种情绪健康恶化的模式, 因为他们没有像在国内那样的支持结构. 这种同质性是基于智利共同的语言和文化联系,但缺乏情感联系. 这创造了一种基于表面关系的“性能”同质性, 导致他们无法寻求支持.



Peter Cha ’19; Advisor: Hung Thai

My project focuses on how the post-1995 generation of contemporary Vietnam construct their own "frames" about the world given that they are the generation born after Vietnam re-entered the global economy after a 20-year period economic suspension. 对许多越南年轻人来说, their consumption of foreign commodities and their associations with foreigners heavily influences their understanding of Vietnam, 外部世界和自己. 许多越南人对越南的看法是有缺陷的,因为他们知道“更好”的娱乐, 教育, 以及国外的生活水平. 其他人则对越南有更细致入微的理解, 警惕成为一个过于仰视外国人的越南人. Their complex views on Vietnam and the outside world are reflected in conflicted feelings about their futures in Vietnam. 现在是成年, this post-1995 cohort has deep curiosity and ambition to travel internationally that comes in conflict with their economic reality and ties to Vietnam. The post-1995 generation must reconcile their Vietnamese identity with their foreign taste as they come of age and look to their futures.
资金来源:Cion Estate SURP Fund


Semassa Boko ’18; Advisor: Joti Rockwell

This project consists of a literature review conducted to understand the myriad ways in which the landscape of music has been censored, 由具有影响公民品味和表达能力的社会机构塑造和推动. 这些代理人包括独裁者, 政府机构, 宗教机构, 以及传统的规范和习俗. 虽然有很多关于音乐作为抗议力量的信息, 对于权力结构如何在压制和允许之间游走,人们了解得较少. The study included historical narratives as well as current scholarship in order to frame regional and thematic case studies involving music and social permissibility. This work provides a foundation for more specialized studies of the relationship between structures of power and freedom of music expression, 以及更广泛的艺术表达.
资助:Aubrey H. & 艾琳J. 种子学生研究基金

大学入学计划对第一代的影响, 低收入, Underrepresented 学生 in Higher Education: Analyzing Student Experiences in PAYS as a Case Study of College Access Programs

Tania Partida ’19; Advisor: Gilda Ochoa

本研究旨在研究大学入学计划对低收入家庭的学术和个人影响, 第一代, 高等教育中代表性不足的学生. 大学入学计划, 如PAYS(皇冠体育学院青年成功学院), 是为了给边缘背景的学生提供申请大学的资源而设立的吗. I specifically analyzed the following aspects of their experience in PAYS: 1) their exposure to the opportunity of college as a path for social mobility and 2) their gain of cultural and social capital as future tools to navigate secondary schools and college. By conducting in-depth interviews with eleven PAYS alumni and observing several community spaces during the summer program, 我研究了为前自费学生提供高等教育指导的变革经历. A recurring theme among all the interviews was that those who identified as 第一代 began high school without the knowledge of applying to college and thus benefited from the mentorship from the PAYS staff and community. 也, the PAYS community provided the former PAYS students the space to explore their identity and become confident with their capacity to succeed academically. This preliminary research on college access programs demonstrates the positive influence of mentoring and community that is offered in college access programs for students of marginalized backgrounds.
资助:Aubrey H. & 艾琳J. 种子学生研究基金